Friday, December 10, 2010

I'm famous!

Well, sort of. When mummy and daddy got married they asked all their friends and family to donate money to Bliss rather than buy presents. Everyone was very generous and they raised a lot of money. Bliss is a charity that helps premature babies like me. They are really great and do lots of amazing work. When donations reached £1000 Bliss asked mummy to write something about me for their website and here it is!

I don't really remember much about my birth but I know that mummy and daddy were really grateful for all the leaflets and booklets that Bliss produced. This year mummy and daddy aren't sending Christmas cards and will be donating some money to Bliss. Why don't you do the same (I am cheeky sometimes...!).

The picture on this blog was taken when I was very little (I was only 3 days old!). As you can see I've grown a bit since then!

Lots of love

Amelie xx

New tricks

Hello everyone, I hope you are all looking forward to Christmas! I can't wait to go to Australia.

I have a new trick - and mummy isn't sure whether she likes it! I love taking things off shelves and boxes and scattering them all over the floor. Its such fun. Apparently its called making a mess and I love it!

I am also being much more adventurous with my standing and am now trying to reach down onto the floor to pick things up. I'm still a bit nervous though.

Yesterday I walked for a tiny bit with my walker. It was very exciting and makes me want to walk on my own. I also waved for the first time when I spoke to my granny and grandad and also when I spoke to my uncle Rakesh. Everyone was very exicited about that! I haven't done it since though. Time to learn a new trick...

See you later

Amelie xx

Friday, December 3, 2010

Mummy's birthday

Today was mummy's birthday and first thing this morning I went out with daddy to by some croissants and coffee for her. When we got back we sang 'Happy Birthday'. Well daddy sang it and I listened. In a few weeks they will be singing it to me - in Australia!

Because it was mummy's birthday we all went out for lunch in one of the hotels where we live. I sat in a highchair without a tray (like a Tripp Trapp) and I managed to shuffle myself along the floor in it! Daddy didn't much like that.

I have started spitting out all my food, much to the annoyance of mummy and daddy who think I'm not eating very much. Everytime I spit some food out mummy says 'No' in a very stern voice but I keep on doing it! They're hoping its just a silly phase. I haven't started grabbing the spoon yet but mummy thinks I might want to feed myself. I'm really good at eating rice cakes, biscuits and cucumber my myself so I think I must be almost ready. How exiciting. I can create even more mess! Heehee!

I hope everyone in England isn't too annoyed with all the snow. I was born during the last heavy snowfall last year and I remember how hard it was for mummy and daddy to come and visit me some days.

See you all soon.

Lots of love

Amelie xx

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas is coming!

Today mummy and daddy took me to the beach with some tinsel. They wanted to take some photographs of me wearing it so that they can send it to our family and friends back home. It didn't turn out quite the way they had hoped....I cried and mummy couldn't get many shots of me smiling. I really don't like sand and the tinsel was a bit scratchy around my neck.

Today is National Day. This is the day when all of the UAE united and its a public holiday which means that daddy gets the day off. There are lots of things going on and balloons and everywhere. I don't like balloons very much and they make me cry (lots of things make me cry at the moment!).

I am really trying to speak at the moment and mummy says that my babbles are sounding more like words. I am pronouncing my vowels a lot more - I don't know what vowels are - but mummy seems pleased. I can also pull myself to standing and then sit back down which is a relief as I like standing but could never work out how to sit back down again!

See you all soon

Lots of love

Amelie xx