Sunday, January 30, 2011

Learning to throw

Yes, I've learnt how to throw and what fun I've been having! I throw EVERYTHING. I especially like throwing food off my high chair when I've had enough of eating. It makes such a mess hee-hee! I also like throwing my sorting bricks and mummy finds them all over the apartment. Mummy and daddy bought me some play balls at the weekend and, yep, you've guessed it, I throw them all over the apartment!

When I am on my change mat I like to throw my dirty nappies on the floor and the clothes that I've been wearing and the book that mummy keeps on there to keep me occupied (note to mummy: it doesn't keep me occupied for more than 10 seconds just in case you hadn't noticed!).

I am getting quite good at throwing a tantrum or two especially when mummy puts me on the floor or tells me no. Boy, can I scream and kick my legs!

The weather is warming up now and it won't be long before we can't really walk anywhere. Instead we'll have to take taxis everywhere. Mummy doesn't like taking taxis here as the drivers are not very good. They drive to fast and brake too suddenly. Oh dear.

See you soon.

Lots of love

Amelie xx

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Standing on my own two feet

We have had a busy few weeks. First I've started to walk using my walker as support. I'm getting really good (and fast!). I've also started to stand unsupported for a few seconds. I'm fine until I realise that I'm not holding on and then I start to panic! I've also discovered books and realised that they are much better to look at than to eat! I love turning the pages by myself and also opening and closing flaps.
Mummy and daddy bought me a tunnel and tent and I love it. It means I can hide from them!
I'm starting to get less clingy and will now play for short periods by myself. I still have wobbly moments but they are getting less frequent.
We've started going to Boogie Babies - a class where we move about and generally make a noise. Its OK but I do miss the classes we went to in the UK and all my friends. Still, it won't be long before we see them all again. We are all very excited by that.

I'm babbling a lot now and can say mummy and daddy. I also say uh-oh a lot, especially when I know that I'm doing something that I shouldn't!
See you all soon.
Lots of love

Amelie xxx

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Birthdays,Christmas and holidays

Phew, we have been really busy these last few weeks. First we went on a really long plane journey (14 hours!) to Australia. I was very good but I didn't sleep for that long so mummy and daddy had to keep me entertained! Then it was my first birthday. We spent this with the Herring family, mummy's friends from a long time ago. We stayed with Adrienne on the Mornington Peninsular and met William and Ethan for the first time. They are Ashley and Lawrie's two boys. Lawrie made me a really cool Zebra cake for my birthday and daddy helped me blow out the candles.
We spent Christmas in Sydney and went to the zoo for a picnic on Christmas Day. Mummy and daddy kept saying how strange it was spending Christmas in shorts! Well, I don't know anything about that but I did enjoy the zoo.
We have another plane journey in a few weeks when we go back to the UK for one week. Mummy is very excited about that!
Lots of love
Amelie xx

Monday, January 3, 2011

All I want for Christmas.... my two front teeth! And guess what? I got them! I have four teeth now and I love making sounds by poking my tongue out and by blowing air through them. I'm really trying to talk now and have learnt how to say dada which my daddy loves! I also recognise a lot of words. When mummy says "up" I lift my arms up in the air.

We have had a very busy few weeks what with my first birthday, Christmas and our holiday. More on all of those (and lots of photos) to come.

See you all soon


Amelie xxx