Friday, March 18, 2011

My first birthday party

Last week I went to Eden's first birthday party. He lives near us and his a Brit like us. I didn't really enjoy myself as I was very tired and I have to admit that I cried for most of it!

I am beginning to become more aware of other babies and I like to crawl up to other babies and touch their face. Sometimes I am a bit rough and I often pull hair when what I really want to do is touch their head. I am a bit obsessed with mouths at the moment and I like to stick my hands in and feel the teeth!

Here's a pic of me in my party frock which I managed to keep clean!

March photographs


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Teething troubles

I have six teeth coming through at the moment and they are causing me a spot of bother. I'm a bit grumpy as they really hurt and I'll be really glad when they all come through. I only have four at the moment - two at the top and two at the bottom. They don't really bother me at night and I never wake up but during the day they hurt a lot.

Becoming a toddler

Over the past few weeks I've really started to become a toddler. I'm not walking yet but I still love pushing my walker around and I love to climb and explore. Mummy takes me to a soft play area a few times a week and its great because I can climb and not hurt myself!

I've also started to try and feed myself with a spoon. Most goes on the floor though. I'm still not eating properly as I'm teething pretty badly but I do have some good days. Today I ate all my pasta which is very good for me!

Mummy is very happy about one thing: I only have one bottle a day (at night) now. I drink all my other liquids in a beaker! I still really like my bottle at night so it might take mummy a while to wean me off it!

See you all soon!

Lots of love

Amelie xx