Thursday, March 29, 2012

Summer is here!

Yes, the weather has finally warmed up, although a little earlier than it should. Its been great, mummy and I have been to the park a lot and I have played in the garden almost everyday. Yesterday I did some painting outside. Mummy really liked that as I could make a mess and it didn't matter!

I've got lots of toys in the garden - a house, a see-saw, a car and a wheel barrow filled with things for the garden. I really enjoy helping mummy water the flowers.

A few days ago mummy invited a few of my friends over and we had an Easter Egg hunt in the garden. It was great fun. We had to look for pretty painted eggs and chicks. I managed to find a few. As a reward we got to eat chocolate. Yum, yum!

My daddy is home next week just in time for Easter. I'm very excited to see him.

Monday, March 5, 2012

NCT Party

On Saturday all my NCT buddies got together for a joint 2nd birthday. We are all two now (I'm the oldest but I was actually meant to arrive last. Haha!) We had such fun. All our mummies and daddies were there too - I was really happy because my daddy came home a few days before the party. I love it when he's home and so does mummy. We really do miss him. Anyway, back to the party. There was a bouncy castle and lots of cars and balloons for us to play with. I loved the bouncy castle and was on there most of the time. There was a slide as well and that was great fun.

We all got to play 'Pass the Parcel' and a secret santa present each. Mine was a lovely wooden tea set which I will add to my collection of kitchen toys. I don't know who bought it for me but thanks very much whoever you are!

Joanna, who is Bertie's mum, made a ladybird cake and it was yummy! I got to wear a lovely yellow dress which I managed to rip on the bouncy castle. Mummy wasn't very happy but she's fixed it so its fine.

My NCT chums are called: Alexa; Adam; Sophie; Bertie; Emma and Henry. Rosie, another NCT baby wasn't there because she moved to Australia last year!

Today, I am at my Ba and dada's with daddy. I'm not sure what mummy has been up to but I hope she hasn't been too bored!