My name is Amelie and I was born eight weeks prematurely in December 2009. I have lived in Dubai and am now back in the UK. Mummy thought it would be a good idea to write a blog about my life as we have been living very far away from our home in the UK. Now that we're back she decided to keep writing the blog. One day I will read it and learn all about my early years! I hope you enjoy reading it.
Friday, December 10, 2010
I'm famous!
New tricks
Friday, December 3, 2010
Mummy's birthday
Today was mummy's birthday and first thing this morning I went out with daddy to by some croissants and coffee for her. When we got back we sang 'Happy Birthday'. Well daddy sang it and I listened. In a few weeks they will be singing it to me - in Australia!
Because it was mummy's birthday we all went out for lunch in one of the hotels where we live. I sat in a highchair without a tray (like a Tripp Trapp) and I managed to shuffle myself along the floor in it! Daddy didn't much like that.
I have started spitting out all my food, much to the annoyance of mummy and daddy who think I'm not eating very much. Everytime I spit some food out mummy says 'No' in a very stern voice but I keep on doing it! They're hoping its just a silly phase. I haven't started grabbing the spoon yet but mummy thinks I might want to feed myself. I'm really good at eating rice cakes, biscuits and cucumber my myself so I think I must be almost ready. How exiciting. I can create even more mess! Heehee!
I hope everyone in England isn't too annoyed with all the snow. I was born during the last heavy snowfall last year and I remember how hard it was for mummy and daddy to come and visit me some days.
See you all soon.
Lots of love
Amelie xx
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Christmas is coming!
Today is National Day. This is the day when all of the UAE united and its a public holiday which means that daddy gets the day off. There are lots of things going on and balloons and everywhere. I don't like balloons very much and they make me cry (lots of things make me cry at the moment!).
I am really trying to speak at the moment and mummy says that my babbles are sounding more like words. I am pronouncing my vowels a lot more - I don't know what vowels are - but mummy seems pleased. I can also pull myself to standing and then sit back down which is a relief as I like standing but could never work out how to sit back down again!
See you all soon
Lots of love
Amelie xx
Sunday, November 28, 2010
A new toy
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Getting settled
I'm starting to get quite adventurous now and really like crawling under things (like tables and chairs). Mummy and daddy are going to try and buy me some things that I can climb into. Its my first birthday soon and mummy says she will buy me some presents. Apparently when its your birthday people buy you things. Cool. Its mummy's birthday soon as well and we might all go out for a nice meal in the evening. We haven't done that since I was very small so its quite exciting and also a bit nerve wracking because I might get really tired and cry a bit.
I am starting to try and wave now. Mummy and daddy wave at me all the time and I've started to lift my hand up and wiggle my fingers. I think I will be waving really soon. That will mean that even more people will stop and say hello to me. Mummy gets stopped all the time! Emiratis like babies a lot!
I am also trying to stand all the time as well. I can pull myself up using the sofa and stand on my own whilst holding on. Mummy is always there to catch me though! I also love climbing over mummy. Sometimes I kick her my accident. Ooops!
See you all soon.
Lots of Love
Amelie xx
Friday, November 19, 2010
Not sure I like this sand stuff
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
I am still very clingy and cry quite a lot. Mummy and daddy are hoping its just a phase. I am really wearing them out at the moment (hee, hee!). I have decided that I don't like one of my favourite toys at the moment and I've become quite scared of it. When mummy showed it to me today I cried.
Today we saw camel on the beach that we can see out of our window. You don't see many of them in St Albans!
See you soon
Lots of love
Amelie xx
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Our new house!
My new trick is to try and stand on my own. I have managed to do it a few times and I'm quite good at doing it in my cot. Mummy doesn't mind when I stand in there because its soft if I fall. She doesn't like it when I try to do it by the sofa as the tiles wold hurt my head if I fell.
I'm still clingy but now that I have all my toys I'm starting to feel more secure and comfy in the new house. I was very clingy on Friday and I would sit on mummy's feet or hold onto her ankles so she couldn't move. I know, a bit mean, but I was worried that she would leave me here and I didn't really know where I was.
My room is almost sorted out now and once its finished mummy has promised to put some pictures on here. Her computer is still packed away and she needs it to be able to download the millions of photos she's taken. Later on today we are going to speak to nanny and grandad which I'm very exicted about. Daddy is working today, the weekend here is Friday and Saturday. Its Eid this week though so daddy only has to work today and then has a whole week off!
Bye Bye
Amelie xx
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Jet lag, whatever that is
I think mummy will feel better when we have our stuff. She's been a bit homesick recently and keeps moaning about how she missed the last episode of Spooks! Not sure what that is but she's very upset about that!
See you all soon
Amelie xx
On the move
Lots of love Amelie xx
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
My first flight
See you all soon
Amelie xx