Sunday, November 14, 2010

Our new house!

Well, its not really a house because its doesn't have any stairs. Mummy says its an apartment and its really big! Bigger than our house in St Albans. We can see the beach from the window and also the Palm which mummy and daddy laugh about. Apparently it's a man made island made to look like a palm tree....We have three bedrooms, a maids room (mummy says we're not having maid and daddy says we already have one...mummy), four bathrooms and a balcony. We're on the sixth floor so not too high up. Its a bit noisy and daddy chose an apartment right over a loud speaker which means that mummy and daddy are woken every morning at 5.15 by the call to prayer. Oops!

My new trick is to try and stand on my own. I have managed to do it a few times and I'm quite good at doing it in my cot. Mummy doesn't mind when I stand in there because its soft if I fall. She doesn't like it when I try to do it by the sofa as the tiles wold hurt my head if I fell.

I'm still clingy but now that I have all my toys I'm starting to feel more secure and comfy in the new house. I was very clingy on Friday and I would sit on mummy's feet or hold onto her ankles so she couldn't move. I know, a bit mean, but I was worried that she would leave me here and I didn't really know where I was.

My room is almost sorted out now and once its finished mummy has promised to put some pictures on here. Her computer is still packed away and she needs it to be able to download the millions of photos she's taken. Later on today we are going to speak to nanny and grandad which I'm very exicted about. Daddy is working today, the weekend here is Friday and Saturday. Its Eid this week though so daddy only has to work today and then has a whole week off!

Bye Bye

Amelie xx

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